Guide to Finding the Right College


S u m m a r y

During the Forge Launch Academy, I presented a guide for students to find the right college with attention towards diversity, tuition cost, and post-grad salary. Tableau visualizations were created to present findings.



N o t e s :

  • GOALS: Look further into what students care about and help them find the right school according to what they value the most
  • SLIDE 5: Used the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) to rank universities from most diverse to least diverse
    • HHI: measures the diversity within the population of each university - closer the value is to 0, the more diverse the campus, and the closer the value to 1, the less diverse
    • Not only smaller schools, but also more well-known and bigger schools value diversity, such as University of Southern California, New York University, Stanford University, MIT, and Cornell University
  • SLIDE 6: Take into account the increasing trend of college tuition, especially for private schools with a 28% increase from the 2009-10 school year to 2016-17
    • Keep in mind cost differences between private and public schools when making college decision
  • SLIDE 7: Graph is of 50 schools with the highest total tuition prices
    • Graph was created to address tuition concerns because while very important to keep tuition in mind, it shouldn't be the sole factor in where someone chooses to go to college because more likely than not, there will be scholarships and financial aid
    • Took total prices and the average net costs of these schools over all income levels after scholarships and awards to calculate the percent decrease in price paid, and in most cases, as seen in graph, there is anywhere between 35% to 80% decrease which is ooptimistic for students who are concerned about cost
  • SLIDE 8: More likely than not to have a higher salary if STEM major, as seen in bar charts
  • SLIDE 9: Salary vs. STEM graph - moderately positive linear correlation